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Demon Lord's Story
Another story by me, enjoy it, comment and plz correct any grammatical errors if there are!

Demon Lord's story

This story describes the beginning of the Azrael and his first action on the land.

Chapter one: The twelve Elder Sages
At the ancient times, the spirits gave incredible powers and immortality to twelve chosen wise Sages. The Elder Sages had a single goal. They had to control the unstoppable flow of the magic and all the energy aura forces of the world. They were neutral to humanish needs and had no feelings or designing purposes which would destroy their mission. They couldn’t get corrupted or even die. But Demon lord tried to take advantage of their unlimited power.

Chapter two: The Demon Lord's reborn
The Satan Lord or the King of Hell was imprisoned at the inner layers of the underworld. It was impossible for him to escape. This is why he chose Azrael, a demon from the outer layers to go to the earth and spread the fear of the evil. Azrael accepted the offer and the Satan gave him such strength and dark magic that he could begin the apocalypse by himself. Though, Azrael could not leave the underworld like that. That’s why he approached the Elder Sages.

It was a common day for the twelve. Then they heard a voice and Demon Lord revealed in front of them. He offered to give them a new kind of magic in return to set him free. As the Sages were the lords of the magic flow of all forces, they had to possess this new craft. So they decided to accept the offer but only the six of them would absorb the dark magic.

Demon Lord was released at the spot. The six out of the twelve Sages became dark. But they were truly strong to get corrupted. Azrael couldn’t handle them so he escaped their Temple and run to the dark forests. There he summoned his army using the sword that he was given by the Satan. The same sword that was used by Azrael to give dark magic to the Elder Sages.

Chapter three: The era of the Magic Fall
The twelve were now six bright and six dark but they still had the same purposes. They saw that Azrael could easily destroy the world. The only solution was to take all the magic and leave demon lord with no source of powers. That’s what they did. They took all the magic and all this energy to the spirit world. They would keep it there for ever and they would never return.

That’s the era that the magic forces started to disdain. Strong wizards and sorcerers were rare. Magic creatures such as elves, giants, goblins and other magic beings started to vanish. The last of them gone to the last magic resource. Demon Lord was weakened badly and many of his soldiers died. Azrael had to wait until he would gain enough strength to start the war of the end…

~ Overlord Hunter
[Image: HFEv2.0.jpg]

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