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Thread: I don't find a 'Change email' option
Post: I don't find a 'Change email' option
Okay. This acoount has an outdated email address that is deleted from yahoo.  I need to change it but I couldn't find a place to do so. The launcher beside your username doesnot have it. The user C...
1 Replies 3,529 Views
Thread: New Forum Theme
Post: RE: New Forum Theme
Wow. I left and THIS happened
4 Replies 7,904 Views
Thread: Write a weird story
Post: Write a weird story
All right. Here is a new game. I will type a short starting of the story of Hero fighters. You have to continue it in a way: you can type a paragraph until you run out of imagination. Rules 1. It ...
11 Replies 16,484 Views
Thread: Write a weird story
Post: RE: Write a wierd story
[tab=3]For 3 billion years this creature amassed all the dark energy it could find and the light energy began surrounding the lair. Now it needed a place to rule over. So it set out in search of a pro...
11 Replies 16,484 Views
Thread: Write a weird story
Post: RE: Write a weird story
[tab=3] The creature hunted down the two soldiers. They ran and ran, but the creature used a form to teleportation to zip through space. Chris jumped up to attack. GASH !! A deep cut appeared on the d...
11 Replies 16,484 Views
Thread: Write a weird story
Post: RE: Write a weird story
[tab=3] And then the creature - now called Azrael - rested for a bit. HE....ah, the man called Shad must have been male.... [tab=3] Azrael practised movement, kicking and punching the air wildly. H...
11 Replies 16,484 Views
Thread: HF Player List
Post: RE: HF Player List
-Display name: Bhargav Modak -Gender: Male  -Year of birth: 2002 A.D. -Location: The Republic of India -Contact: bhargavmodak@yahoo.co.in / facebook : Bhargav Modak/ thebrahmnicboy@gmail.com -Websites...
9 Replies 21,317 Views
Thread: "Did you know?" module
Post: RE: "Did you know?" module
Did you know, Drew has Amensia?  :D :D
14 Replies 21,983 Views
Thread: "Did you know?" module
Post: RE: "Did you know?" module
Since .....10? Maybe he was cured by Taylor. It was a stupid one anyway. Here's another: Did you know? The sword of the Hero contains the souls of three sages.
14 Replies 21,983 Views
Thread: "Did you know?" module
Post: RE: "Did you know?" module
Okay then what about the drew one?  And make a list of already existing facts so people don't repeat them.
14 Replies 21,983 Views
Thread: "Did you know?" module
Post: RE: "Did you know?" module
I saw some of them. And yeah, I forgot that Hero fighter origins comic is not canon. It is fan made by Isomnium eye I guess?
14 Replies 21,983 Views
Thread: "Did you know?" module
Post: RE: "Did you know?" module
So, The Drew- amensia applies here?
14 Replies 21,983 Views
14 Replies 21,983 Views
Thread: "Did you know?" module
Post: RE: "Did you know?" module
https://hf-empire.com/hfo-empire/chapters/chapter-6 Read the first pic in second row.
14 Replies 21,983 Views
Thread: Ultimate Combos
Post: RE: Ultimate Combos
{Mobile; Pc un- tested} Lucas : Dash+ uppercut + air blades. ( better if close to wall ) You can try to attack 5 times first and when opp. falls u can do the above combo.
14 Replies 22,706 Views
14 Replies 22,706 Views
Thread: Hero Fighter Translation
Post: RE: Hero Fighter Translation
MangaD Wrote: (13-10-2014, 01:59 PM) -- Language: Hindi (hi) https://hf-empire.com/translations/New_Translations/hi_Hindi/hi.png Chapter(s): 01.xml (https://hf-empire.com/translations/New_Trans...
20 Replies 44,352 Views
Thread: Cannot enter referral code...
Post: RE: Another problem!!!!
Well, tpramar, you needn't need to create a new thread for just one problem. So I am posting my own problem: I entered your code but it says that Internet connection is not available. But I tried it s...
33 Replies 47,845 Views
Thread: Cannot enter referral code...
Post: RE: Cannot enter referral code...
Hey, the Referral code system doesn't work. It says you can't connect to server and my internet connection may be down.  But I have wi-fi and can watch a HD Happy Potter movie online. Are the serve...
33 Replies 47,845 Views
Thread: Cannot enter referral code...
Post: RE: Cannot enter referral code...
Pity I can't get Eason...or Leo. But okay! Count Ten years from now. You woudn't know what happened.
33 Replies 47,845 Views