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Thread: Real-life pics of you
Post: RE: Real-life pics of you
Tis be me, chewbaka http://i68.tinypic.com/ejtsuv.jpg
7 Replies 9,226 Views
Thread: Room Server v0.7+
Post: RE: Room Server v0.7 - Mod v1.0a by MangaD
I have a few requests for new commands for the room server. 1) Kickvote command. Reasons: A. Sometimes players are being annoying and they keep pressing shift + q after they lose in a 1v1v1, or the...
3 Replies 13,175 Views
Thread: Spriting Tutorials
Post: RE: Spriting Tutorials
Dude thanks you so much!!! I have been doing edits for a while and i will even say very good ones but i always sucked everytime i tried to sprite :D thanks you so much :D!!! do you think you will mak...
2 Replies 7,909 Views
Thread: Story Editing - Ideas and Limitations
Post: RE: Story Editing - Ideas and Limitations
MangaD Wrote: (08-01-2019, 02:42 PM) -- Today @BlazingGale was introducing me to a game in which he said was possible to hire troops. This made me realize that story editing and stories in HF in gene...
5 Replies 7,638 Views
Thread: Story Editing - Ideas and Limitations
Post: RE: Story Editing - Ideas and Limitations
[spoiler="Answered reply"] UYU PACO Wrote: (10-01-2019, 08:46 AM) -- I like decision making. I'd prefer according to the player's decision to produce different outcomes. Not only to choose yes/no or...
5 Replies 7,638 Views
Thread: The Legend of the Dragon and Phoenix Lords
Post: RE: The Legend of the Dragon and Phoenix Lords
Overlord Hunter Wrote: (08-10-2014, 12:42 PM) -- This is a story made by me. Correct me if there are any grammatical errors or whatever. Enjoy and comment! [spoiler="The Legend of the Dragon and t...
3 Replies 10,602 Views
Thread: Write a weird story
Post: RE: Write a wierd story
"Argh... I guess I slept for a really long time, I can barely conjure up even a sliver of my power... Guess this will have to do." The creature looked up and gazed upon the blue sky that he hasn't see...
11 Replies 16,481 Views
Thread: Write a weird story
Post: RE: Write a wierd story
But suddenly, The mysterious creature demon thing transformed into the god of death. No one was capable of withstanding his prowess. He killed every living being and destroyed earth. The, END... Or...
11 Replies 16,481 Views
Thread: Suggestion For Overview
Post: Suggestion For Overview
I have a suggestion to improve the "new posts" overview section at the top of the main page. I suggest to make it so there can't be 2 notifications from the same thread. So if there is rapid post p...
0 Replies 3,024 Views
Thread: Ultimate Combos
Post: Ultimate Combos
Hey guys, I ought it would be cool is HF players could have a place where they can share their "Ultimate combos". An ultimate combo is the combo that does the most damage that a character can do. But ...
14 Replies 22,700 Views