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Thread: [spoilers] HF 0.8
Post: RE: [spoilers] HF next version
Pete P. Wrote: (28-05-2015, 06:16 PM) -- I'd say that if Sabrina is Lucas' and Leo's mother then it can be explained as the 2 brothers got some, lets say magic, they can do magical attacks through th...
22 Replies 44,580 Views
Thread: Suggestion - Chat
Post: Suggestion - Chat
So in the past months ever since the release of HeroFighter-Workshop (https://hf-empire.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=242) the activity in this forum has grown quite a bit and I think a good way to mak...
1 Replies 3,059 Views
Thread: Suggestion For Overview
Post: Suggestion For Overview
I have a suggestion to improve the "new posts" overview section at the top of the main page. I suggest to make it so there can't be 2 notifications from the same thread. So if there is rapid post p...
0 Replies 3,018 Views
Thread: Suggestion for private message box improvment
Post: Suggestion for private message box improvment
In the private messages window whenever you try to open the private message to further read it, you can only open it if you click on the header text, and will not work if you press on the box. I su...
0 Replies 2,597 Views
Thread: Ultimate Combos
Post: Ultimate Combos
Hey guys, I ought it would be cool is HF players could have a place where they can share their "Ultimate combos". An ultimate combo is the combo that does the most damage that a character can do. But ...
14 Replies 22,645 Views