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by MangaD at 11-01-2019, 06:22 PM

1. Where can I download the latest version of Hero Fighter X?

HFX can be downloaded here.

2. When will a new version release?

There is no prediction to when and if there will be an update or new version of Hero Fighter. It seems unlikely. The game needed many players and financial support, and it did not get enough. You may still show the author your appreciation by sharing the game and buying gems in HFX or premium account in HF v0.7. Whether there will be a future update or not will depend on Marti's future and will.

3. How to get all heroes in Hero Fighter X?

You can unlock 70% of the heroes by playing the game. The remaining ones would be unlocked through sharing your referral code. However - referral system is not working - so you cannot unlock 5 heroes in the game (Eason, 2 random of the Big 3, Leo and Saws).

4. Will I lose my progress if I reinstall the game?

Yes. If you wish to keep your progress you may want to try tools like Helium or Titanium Backup

5. Enemies are gaining health instead of losing!

This bug happens when your heroes reach level 105. Try to not play Training too much or you'll meet this bug. Training causes your future enemies to be higher level in order to keep up with you, so make sure you train only if really necessary for the current enemies.

6. I get black screen...

HFX may not work on Android versions below 4.1.1 or on very small screens. If this happens to you it is likely your hardware / software that does not meet the requirements to play this game.

7. Game crashes at start...

The original HFX APK does not work on Android versions => 7. Download the repackaged APK from here.
by MangaD at 08-01-2019, 02:42 PM
Today @BlazingGale was introducing me to a game in which he said was possible to hire troops. This made me realize that story editing and stories in HF in general have one serious limitation, which is decision making. Wouldn't it be great if we could have yes / no dialogs and multiple choice dialogs that could affect how the story unrolls?

Feel free to share your opinions and other ideas / limitations regarding HF stories.  ;)
by MangaD at 08-01-2019, 01:49 PM
Hero Fighter Empire has changed host and moved to a new address which is shorter and easier to remember and type. It also has an SSL certificate now (it uses the HTTPS protocol) which makes it more secure to register and login. The old address was: herofighter-empire.com

In short, back in 2009, Razen started the Hero Fighter Empire project. However, due to lack of time and interest in Hero Fighter, HFE v1.0 was left abandoned for years until the software got outdated, hacked, and the website got totally wiped out. In 2014 I took over HFE's administration and built everything from scratch—while Razen was still hosting the site. I decided it was time to take this burden out of Razen's shoulders and take responsibility for the project entirely.
by MangaD at 24-12-2018, 08:53 PM

Off-topic: I have made a few updates to the forum (you may notice there is now a Dark Red theme). Please hard refresh to have the latest stylesheets (Ctrl+F5).

But more importantly, 117 users have just been deleted. These users were 100% inactive and thus I have deleted them because as far as I am concerned, they will never come back (either bots or 1 time visit).

These users had no posts and no threads, no avatar, belonged to the "registered" group, had no custom user title, no buddies, time online less than 1 day, last visit more than 1 year ago, no user notes, no thanks given and received, no  location set in user map and no private messages sent.

Before deleting their accounts I have e-mailed them (almost 1 month ago) warning them that this would happen if they did nothing to prevent it.

So, our member list has shrinked a little for our own good.  ;)
by MangaD at 16-12-2018, 12:30 PM
@不饿白帝BEBD is currently the most knowledgeable and skilled HF story editor. He knows story editing inside out and has made many short — but amazing — drama actions that no one thought possible.

Unfortunately, HFE is not yet a popular place for HF discussion and Chinese players have some difficulties accessing it and posting, so I'll be sharing BEBD's drama actions here for him. Enjoy. :D

PS: Click the pictures to enlarge.

[Image: 1.gif] [Image: 2.gif] [Image: 3.gif] [Image: 4.png] [Image: 5.png] [Image: 6.gif] [Image: 7.gif] [Image: 8.png] [Image: 9.gif] [Image: 10.gif] [Image: 11.gif] [Image: 12.gif] [Image: 13.gif] [Image: 14.gif] [Image: 15.gif] [Image: 16.gif] [Image: 17.gif] [Image: 18.gif] [Image: 19.gif] [Image: 20.gif] [Image: 21.gif] [Image: 22.gif] [Image: 23.gif] [Image: 24.gif] [Image: 25.gif] [Image: 26.gif] [Image: 27.gif]
[Image: 28.gif] [Image: 29.gif] [Image: 30.gif] [Image: 31.gif] [Image: 32.gif] [Image: 33.gif] [Image: 34.gif] [Image: 35.gif] [Image: 36.gif] [Image: 37.gif] [Image: 38.gif] [Image: 39.gif] [Image: 40.gif] [Image: 41.gif] [Image: 42.gif] [Image: 43.gif] [Image: 44.gif] [Image: 45.gif] [Image: 46.gif] [Image: 47.gif] [Image: 48.gif] [Image: 49.gif] [Image: 50.gif] [Image: 51.gif] [Image: 52.gif] [Image: 53.gif] [Image: 54.gif] [Image: 55.gif]
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